Tuesday, July 10, 2007

HOWTO use google side by side with your p2p client

Sometimes its impossible to find something on peer to peer networks. Here's a different method you can use side by side with your p2p program or torrents. I will use Firefox because I like it but I think there is no difference if you use some other web browser. The method will work the same in Windows or Linux or any other OS that can reach Google.

So open Google and type in search bar:


This searches for words
index and of in a certain web page. This is usually found when there are only files inside of directory and no html or php index page .
/home if in Linux or c:/ if in Windows in your browsers address bar to see what I'm talking about.
By now you might see to where we are heading. Next add to the search bar
(mp3|avi). This will search for the files that have mp3 or avi in them. This by now should look something like this

Now type the name of the song that you want to find but type it with periods between the words instead of spaces. For example fluorescent.adolescent:

This way you will not be limited to spaces but also dashes, dots and some other symbols that might be used.

Thats pretty much it. I'm not going to post pictures of what came out because I don't want to get anyone in trouble but feel free to try this method and convince yourself it works. You can also remove some results which you don't want to be found. Like anything that has php or html in itself by adding -php or -html in your search bar. This way you can reduce the amount of spam that comes out.

Enjoy the Google.


But beware, DO NOT download anything that is not allowed to be distributed by the author himself/herself. That is ILLEGAL. Use it only to download free music that is hard to find on p2p networks.

Sunday, July 8, 2007

HOWTO resize whole folder of images in a few seconds

you want to resize a folder full of images but don't have neither time or will to do it picture by picture with your favorite picture editing program. There is a simpler way. Much simpler way. So simple you will not believe. :) OK let's start. First you will need
imagemagick program. Open terminal and type:

sudo apt-get install imagemagick

Install it and then navigate to the folder where the pictures you wish to resize are located. Type:

mkdir resized

This will create subfolder called resized in that directory. This is where your resized pictures will be located. Now type:

convert -size 640x480 *.jpg ./resized/small.jpg

Wait for a while until program finishes and thats it. Now take a look what have you done:

convert - name of the program
-size 640x480 - size to which images will be resized
*.jpg - input pictures, it tells program to convert all pictures in this folder that end with .jpg
./resized/small.jpg - tells program to save the resized images to folder resized which is located in folder (thats why theres dot in front) in which you currently are, images are saved as small-1.jpg, small-2.jpg, and so on

Thats all. Your resized images are located in folder

HOWTO create additional Firefox profiles

Let's say you wish to have several different Firefox settings. Reasons may vary and I don't want to get into this but I found this feature extremely useful so I decided to make this simple howto.

First open terminal and type:

firefox -ProfileManager

Window will pop out and you will see your
Default profile and button which says Create Profile. Click on it and then on Next. Now enter the name you wish to use for this profile and location where it will be located. For most cases it's OK to leave the default location. Click on Finish. Remember the name of your new profile (I'll call it extraprofile, so wherever I say to write extraprofile you type name you gave to profile you just created), select Default profile and start Firefox. Your old profile will open and if you don't want to use Firefox at this time you can close it.

Now go to the top of your screen, or bottom, wherever your launch icons are situated and right click next to one of them. Next click on
Add to panel. Then click on Custom Application Launcher. Name it firefox extraprofile and in command field type

firefox -P extraprofile

You can add comment if you wish or an icon so you can differ profiles one from another. Here are some non-default icons of Firefox I found so you don't have to.

HOWTO set Windows as default boot menu choice after installing Ubuntu

You heard about Ubuntu Linux and wanted to give it a try. So you installed it but since you are still not used to it you use Windows much more than Linux. The problem is that grub set the Ubuntu as first boot selection so if you wish to boot to Windows when powering on your computer you need to wait for a boot menu to show up and then select Windows from it. Very annoying, I know. So what to do?

When boot menu opens remember in which row the Windows menu was. Count every row including the one which says "Other operating systems:" and count it in a way that first row is
zero, second one, third two and so on. Remember in which row was Windows. (Keep in mind that if it was the 5th row remember 4.)

Now boot to Ubuntu, open terminal and type:

sudo nano /boot/grub/menu.lst

In roughly tenth row there will be written:

default 0

replace the number 0 with the number of row in which windows were. (Again keep in mind that if it was in 5th row type 4.)

Save by pressing ctrl+o and enter and exit by pressing ctrl+x.
Reboot the computer and after the timeout finishes your computer will boot to Windows os.

Also if you wish you can change the timeout time by replacing
timeout 10 in "/etc/grub/menu.lst" with timeout x where x is custom timeout in seconds.

If there is no default 0 or timeout 10 row in your /boot/grub/menu.lst you can simply add it yourself.

HOWTO shrink movies from your digital camera (Canon A610)

I think you have already noticed that the size of the movies recorded with your camera is a bit to large. So a normal thing to think is how to reduce the size of these movies with as little loss in quality as possible.

you need to install the ffmpg. You do this as simple as this. Open terminal and type:

sudo apt-get install ffmpeg

Now navigate in terminal to the folder where your movie is located (let's say its called movie.avi) and type:

ffmpeg -i movie.avi -ab 56 -ar 22050 -b 500 -r 20 -s 640x480 movie1.avi

This will give you a movie named movie1.avi with one tenth of original movie size and no noticable loss in quality.

Let me explain the command for you so you can modify it yourself.

ffmpeg - starts the program
-i movie.avi - this is the input file
-ab 56 - sets audio bitrate of the output file, in kbit/s
-ar 22050 - sets audio sampling rate of the output file, in Hz
-r - sets frame rate of the output file, in Hz (this value will effect the final size the most, so play with it to get the best result for yourself)
-s - sets resolution of the output file
movie1.avi - name of the output file

That's it. If you have some problems you're free to post it in comments.

Thursday, July 5, 2007

HOWTO convert daa image to iso

you got yourself an important dvd image that is in (poweriso) daa format and you can't neither burn it or mount it on your hard drive. Since this is powerisos format you'll need the poweriso to convert it to ordinary *.iso file.

go to the Poweriso download section. Lucky for you linux version is free and you can download it from the page above. Now that you got it extract it and navigate with terminal to that folder. If your image is located in for example


you can convert it as this. I hope you have already navigated with terminal to location of power iso, if not do so. Now type:

./poweriso convert /home/user/images/myimage.daa -o /home/user/images/myimage.iso -ot iso

And thats it. Now you can mount that image to any folder you wish (for example /media/virtual/) by typing:

sudo modprobe loop
sudo mount /home/user/images/myimage.iso /media/virtual/ -t iso9660 -o loop

Or you can simply burn it by
right clicking on its icon and selecting Write to Disc...

HOWTO replace ati with nvidia graphic card on ubuntu 7.04

so you bought yourself a brand new Nvidia graphics card to replace your old ati card that gave you hell of problems or was just out of date. You pull your old card out of computer and put in the new one. Start the computer and TADA. Xorg error. You got the wrong drivers.

what to do. Say yes to all errors. You don't need to see logs or anything. Just get to the point you can log into your ubuntu machine via shell. Log in. Now type:

sudo cp /etc/X11/xorg.conf /etc/X11/xorg.conf_oldati

With this you will save configuration of your monitor, mouse, keybord and maybe some other things.

Now type:

sudo apt-get install nvidia-glx nvidia-settings

With this you will install necessary drives and graphic menu for your new card. Now type:

sudo nano /etc/X11/xorg.conf

It should open xorg.conf file. Find the part where it says (you can find it by pressing ctrl+w and type ati ) :

Driver "ati"

and replace it with

Driver "nvidia"

Save the file by pressing ctrl+o and enter twice. Save the new xorg.conf by typing:

sudo cp /etc/X11/xorg.conf /etc/X11/xorg.conf_oldnvidia

Now reboot your computer and everything should be fine. If it's still not working log into the shell again and type:

sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg

Reed what it say and if you don't know what to do better leave everything at default. After finishing type:

sudo cp /etc/X11/xorg.conf_oldnvidia /etc/X11/xorg.conf

Reboot and TADA. It works. C'est ca. Enjoy.


You can change the settings of your new card by opening terminal and writing

sudo nvidia-settings