Sunday, September 23, 2007

HOWTO merge or split mp3 files

To merge two or more mp3 you will need to get the program called mp3wrap. To split two files you can use program called mp3splt. You can install them by typing:

sudo apt-get install mp3wrap mp3splt

Now you can merge two mp3 files (let's say 1.mp3 and 2.mp3) by typing:

mp3wrap merged.mp3 2.mp3 1.mp3

note that the merged.mp3 will start with 2.mp3 and finish with 1.mp3

You can split mp3's now by typing:

mp3splt merged.mp3 0.0 1.2 3.4

this will split file merged.mp3 into two parts:

00:00 - 01:02
01:02 - 03:04

where xx:xx represents minutes:seconds.

If you have problems splitting files merged with mp3wrap delete whatever mp3wrap add to filename and then try again. You shouldn't experience any problems now.

To see more info on these commands type

man mp3wrap


man mp3splt

1 comment:

Sasha said...

tnx! very usefull info for me :-)