Sunday, September 23, 2007

HOWTO merge or split mp3 files

To merge two or more mp3 you will need to get the program called mp3wrap. To split two files you can use program called mp3splt. You can install them by typing:

sudo apt-get install mp3wrap mp3splt

Now you can merge two mp3 files (let's say 1.mp3 and 2.mp3) by typing:

mp3wrap merged.mp3 2.mp3 1.mp3

note that the merged.mp3 will start with 2.mp3 and finish with 1.mp3

You can split mp3's now by typing:

mp3splt merged.mp3 0.0 1.2 3.4

this will split file merged.mp3 into two parts:

00:00 - 01:02
01:02 - 03:04

where xx:xx represents minutes:seconds.

If you have problems splitting files merged with mp3wrap delete whatever mp3wrap add to filename and then try again. You shouldn't experience any problems now.

To see more info on these commands type

man mp3wrap


man mp3splt

HOWTO record audio streams

Recording audio streams, like your favorite online radio, is a simple thing to do. But first you need to know which application to use. I recomend streamripper. To install it simply type:

sudo apt-get install streamripper

Now create folder in which you want to save your recordings:

mkdir ~/streams

Navigate to that folder and type


for example


will get you music/show playing on Virgin Radio.

Also, you can type


to see what options you can use. As I told you, it doesn't get any simpler than that. :)

Thursday, September 20, 2007

HOWTO merge pdf (using pdftk)

Firs of all you will need the program called pdftk. You can get it by opening terminal and typing:

sudo apt-get install pdftk

Now you can merge pdf files by putting them in the same directory and typing:

pdftk 1.pdf 2.pdf 3.pdf cat output merged.pdf

or if you wish to merge files in alphabetical order you can simply type:

pdftk *.pdf cat output merged.pdf

Here are some more examples how to use pdftk:

(Using Handles):
pdftk A=1.pdf B=2.pdf cat A B output 12.pdf

Split Select Pages from Multiple PDFs into a New Document
pdftk A=one.pdf B=two.pdf cat A1-7 B1-5 A8 output combined.pdf

Encrypt a PDF using 128-Bit Strength (the Default) and Withhold All Permissions (the Default)
pdftk mydoc.pdf output mydoc.128.pdf owner_pw foopass

Same as Above, Except a Password is Required to Open the PDF
pdftk mydoc.pdf output mydoc.128.pdf owner_pw foo user_pw baz

Same as Above, Except Printing is Allowed (after the PDF is Open)
pdftk mydoc.pdf output mydoc.128.pdf owner_pw foo user_pw baz allow printing

Decrypt a PDF
pdftk secured.pdf input_pw foopass output unsecured.pdf

Join Two Files, One of Which is Encrypted (the Output is Not Encrypted)
pdftk A=secured.pdf mydoc.pdf input_pw A=foopass cat output combined.pdf

Uncompress PDF Page Streams for Editing the PDF Code in a Text Editor
pdftk mydoc.pdf output mydoc.clear.pdf uncompress

Repair a PDF's Corrupted XREF Table and Stream Lengths (If Possible)
pdftk broken.pdf output fixed.pdf

Burst a Single PDF Document into Single Pages and Report its Data to doc_data.txt
pdftk mydoc.pdf burst

Report on PDF Document Metadata, Bookmarks and Page Labels
pdftk mydoc.pdf dump_data output report.txt

I found these on this link.

Saturday, September 15, 2007

HOWTO download mms stream with mplayer

First you will have to download mplayer if you already haven't installed it.

Here you can find how to do that. Don't forget to change the repositories and add multimedia codecs.


Now get the link of the stream. You can get it by clicking on stream with right mouse button and then selecting properties.

Open the terminal and type:

mplayer mms:/link/ -dumpstream -dumpfile

mms:/link/ - link to the stream you wish to download - file to which you wish to download the stream, be careful to write the same extension xxx

Wait for the file to download and that's it.